Conference Agenda Highlights
- Nagaraj Ijari , Vice President & Global Head – HiTech and Professional Services Business Unit, TCS
The objective of this session is to discuss the importance of developing negotiation capabilities and knowledge as a necessary foundation for economic advancement and growth for individuals, companies and nations. This session will look at how enhanced negotiation capability can improve economic results at the individual level for wealth creation, at the corporate level for profitability/shareholder value, at the national level for economic growth and at the geopolitical level for international trade or economic development. By focusing on how these skills can be leveraged for economic advantage, this session seeks to promote better results for negotiators and leaders in widening access to capital, spurring entrepreneurial success for small business, maximizing profitability for corporations, enhancing social returns for communities and fostering economic growth for nations. In short, you will leave this session with a clarion call that one thing you should start doing today to improve your bottom line, profitability, economic position and competitive advantage is to invest and continue to invest in developing your negotiation capabilities, whether as an individual, a corporation or nation. You will learn how to harness conflict in ways that spark creativity and that make conflict productive in order to facilitate disruptive innovation as well as to create better connection, alignment and synergy across all backgrounds and spheres. You also will learn the value of negotiation skills as an intangible asset/capital and how this factors into the future of employment and society.
- Jeswald Salacuse
- Saj-nicole Joni
- Jeanne DiFrancesco
- Andre Bisasor (Moderator)
This presentation will look at what it means to engage in effective negotiation and deal-making globally in ways that protect key relationships and foster competitive advantage. Many organizations are now realizing that negotiation must be a strategic core competency and an organizational competence. Whether you are working in the private sector, or a non-profit, or working with governments or multilateral organization, you must build one of the most crucial capacities i.e. negotiation capacity. By developing a culture of learning around negotiation, organizations can develop and sustain a new competitive advantage. These principles also will help small business entrepreneurs achieve better outcomes in applying the correct approach from early in their start-up or growth process.
- Jeswald Salacuse
Be prepared to hear dynamic and thought-provoking presenters who will outline current trends for the economy and challenge conventional thinking about the future. This session will analyze the interplay of these business trends and the global economy, while identifying the key areas of change and their impact on global business, as well as the key ingredients for sustainable economic breakthrough that will create prosperity in all corners of the globe. It will lay the foundation for understanding why the personal, corporate and national improvement of negotiation skills (combined with global business acumen) is a missing link to achieving sustainability, entrepreneurial success/job creation, environmental progress as well as propelling the economy forward.
- Edgardo Pappacena
- Amur Lakshminarayanan
- Michael Klare
- Nicholas Ashford
- Robert Wilkinson (Moderator)
This presentation will examine the new but necessary leadership skills and strategies for a changing global economic landscape.
- Edgardo Pappacena
The presentation will provide an overview on the current trends in today’s digital world and how it is disrupting the traditional norms. A digitally transformed economy holds exciting possibilities for organizations. This session will help you cognize how companies get a competitive and sustainable edge through Digital Reimagination.
- Amur Lakshminarayanan
This session aims to inspire innovative thinking for a resilient tomorrow. New paradigms and new ways of thinking are needed to navigate and prosper in this interconnected global economy. We will look at the new rules across all businesses that are forming a new blueprint of innovation and global competitive advantage. This session will challenge the limits of conventional thinking, redefining what it takes to be on the cutting-edge of innovation and what it means to be successful. Learn also how to prepare for and leverage the “Great Convergence” that is challenging business models and brands globally. This session will also incorporate a range of tools and techniques that are fundamental to negotiation success in today’s increasingly complex global business environment.
- Stephen MR Covey
- Frans Johansson
- Steven Wolfe Pereira
- DeVon Franklin
- Fernando Yepez
- Marc Stickdorn
- Andre Bisasor (Moderator)
This presentation will examine the connection between trust, negotiation and economic success. Many people and companies rigidly focus on the bottom line but neglect to develop trust as a tool for sustainable economic advancement and business success. The short-sighted approach of winning at any cost is a counter-productive mindset that leads ultimately to the long-term destruction of wealth and business value. Learn how to deploy the principles of trust-building to establish collaborative business and trading relationships while embracing ethics and trustworthiness in negotiation as a asset for business profitability and personal success.
- Stephen MR Covey
Extraordinary leaders are proven in uncertain times, and today’s new normal—of market volatility, policy shifts and complex forces—is challenging leaders at every level. In this talk, Frans Johansson makes the case for why tomorrow’s most successful leaders need to be Intersectional Leaders who can tear down organizational silos, work across diverse and divergent perspectives, and execute with agility in face of uncertainty. He urges individuals to step into the Intersection, allowing ideas and concepts from different fields, disciplines and cultures to converge. The result is what Johansson calls the “Medici Effect”—the supercharged creative output that leads to radical innovation. Johansson shows how the Medici Effect has led companies to become global leaders; products and services to yield huge margins; and the most unlikely of people to outdo the experts in their own fields.
- Frans Johansson
It is well-accepted that an important key to global competitiveness for companies is innovation. But many organizations still have yet to grasp the crucial connection between innovation and negotiation. Negotiation is not a tool simply for bargaining but it is a constant and dominating feature of the cycle of innovation. For both entrepreneur and executive alike, it takes negotiation to change organizational culture; to gain the contribution of talented people; to gain valuable partners and resources; to raise capital; and to deliver value to customers. Innovation is a process, arising out of multiple human interactions, each of which is an act of negotiation. Successful innovation is therefore contingent upon successful negotiation. Negotiations, global negotiations, and by implication negotiation theory is, by its very nature, a multidisciplinary, highly complex subject matter incorporating at a macro, as well as, at a micro level, various forms of analyses. These have traditionally included cultural, structural, strategic, psychological processes, and integrative analyses. At a more detailed level, negotiations is concerned with culture, the concepts of argumentation and power and persuasion. It focuses on various dilemmas and concepts taken from politics, economics and the law, game theory, notions of trust, behavioral dynamics, decision-making tasks, joint problem-solving and inventive techniques, just to name a few. When to apply which technique or approach, why and/or how was relegated to the relative prejudices and biases of the negotiator. Many times, which approach or technique were determined almost exclusively by the seasoned experience of the negotiator. Negotiations, in general, but global negotiations in particular, must transcend this mosaic quasi-structured series of hunches, and “gut feelings” and enter the world of modern analytics. Using advanced cognitive platforms now available, such as IBM’s Watson, Microsoft’s Cortana, Google’s Deep Mind, and others, and with some innovative algorithms a new tool is being developed to assist theoreticians as well as practitioners in the new subject area of “Negotiation Analytics”. Based upon the technologically assisted integration of information by means of cognitive platforms, negotiations, its study and practice, is about to undergo a transformative change. Its implications on creating a competitive advantage and economic and social advancement becomes obvious.
- William Hernandez
The objective of this session is to discuss the importance of negotiation as a necessary foundation for world diplomacy and economic development. We will look at how to master high-stakes negotiation while creating economic progress through advanced diplomatic and negotiation strategies. You will discover how to become better at creating collaborative relationships, resolve the toughest conflicts more effectively, and sharpen skills to negotiate better deals & create options for mutual gain. This session will also incorporate a range of tools and techniques that are fundamental to negotiation success in today’s increasingly complex global business environment.
- Gov. Bill Richardson
- Robert Wilkinson
- Dan Shapiro
- Andre Bisasor (Moderator)
Find out new strategies to successfully resolve your most emotionally charged conflicts and your most intransigent negotiation roadblocks. In this session, world-renowned negotiation expert Daniel Shapiro presents a groundbreaking, practical method to resolve your most emotionally challenging conflicts—whether between a boss and an employee, family members, or even rival communities or nations. Based on twenty years of research, his step-by-step method reveals the unconscious forces that strain relations and lead to stalemate. Those forces are driven by the very root of who we are—our identity. Shapiro will present tools to effectively navigate these dynamics and promote reconciliation in even the most difficult conflicts.
- Daniel Shapiro
This session will explore what strategies top deal-makers use to maximize negotiation outcomes. Learn the pitfalls to avoid and increase your knowledge base for becoming a better deal-maker.
- Jordan Belfort
- Scott Boras
- Todd Camp
- Tony Dibenedetto
- Alex Chen
- Andre Bisasor (Moderator)
This session will examine the role that negotiation plays in economic empowerment and advancement for minorities and women.
- Kimberlyn Leary
- Bakari T. Sellers
- Randal Pinkett
- Stefanie Johnson
- Andre Bisasor (Moderator)
Tracks for Workshops, Breakouts, Panels, Seminars & Executive Training
Time | Track 1: Personal/Entrepreneur | Track 2: Corporate | Track 3: Community/Legal | Track 4: Global |
9:00am – 10:30am | The 7 Immutable Laws of Sales Negotiation: Mastering The Sales Negotiation Process – Ron Hubsher | Leveraging Organizational Greatness for Competitive Advantage- Melkart Rouhana | Role of Legal Skills/Law in Economic Empowerment- Keith Greenaway | The New Rules of Global Negotiation- William Hernandez |
10:30am – 12:30pm | The Contrarian’s Method: Alternative Negotiation & Deal-making Strategies – Todd Camp | Economic Valuation of Negotiation Skills as Intangible Capital – Jeanne DiFrancesco | Creating & Claiming Economic (& Other) Value Through Mediation – Chuck Doran | Digital Reimagination: Reimagining Industries With The Digital Five Forces- Satya Ramaswamy |
12:30pm – 1:30pm | BREAK | |||
1:30pm – 2:30pm | Coaching as a Leadership Style -David Matthews Prior | Customer Journey Mapping – Using Service Design Thinking in Negotiations – Marc Stickdorn & Markus Homess | Economic Empowerment through Social Media/Social Networking – Joselin Mane | National Human Capital Strategy- Jeanne Difrancesco |
2:30pm – 3:30pm | THOUGHT LEADERSHIP/CLOSING DEBRIEF- Fernando Yepez | |||
*Above agenda and speakers are tentative and subject to change
*To see the agenda schedule page, go to the menu at top of page and click on the agenda button itself (not the drop-down menu).
Presenter: Jeanne DiFrancesco – Principal, ProOrbis LLC | Expert in Economic Valuation of Intangible Assets
This session will look at how to make the case for any investment in Human Capital using negotiations as an example. In this exciting workshop, we will explore how to set the strategic frame for valuing any investment in human capital. We will examine how other assets like technology and physical capital effect the value of human capital and the elements of a human capital strategy, how to create one, and how to understand the value implications of investments in everything from training and compensation to improving culture or leadership.
Presenter: Satya Ramaswamy – Vice President and Global Head of TCS Digital Enterprise, Tata Consultancy Services
Five key digital technologies – Mobility, Big Data, Cloud, Social Media and AI – collectively called the Digital Five Forces, are combining together to completely rewrite the rules of businesses in many industries. Business models, products, channels, customer segments, business processes and workplaces are being transformed by their impact. In this workshop we will use Creative Thinking methodologies and a knowledge of what these digital technologies can do, to work collaboratively to reimagine a few use cases in some common industries. After the workshop, participants will be able to use the Digital Reimagination(tm) framework to look at business areas in their own industries and unearth opportunities to reimagine them and provide competitive advantage to their own companies.
Presenter: Chuck Doran, Mediator & Executive Director of MWI
Mediation can be used as a vehicle for leaving both sides “equally unhappy” or as an opportunity for the parties to create and claim value while building working relationships. Join Chuck Doran, a commercial and employment mediator with over 20 years of experience, for an interactive presentation that will cover:
– Using a systematic framework to shift a mediation from a distributing bargaining process to one that focuses on value creation and joint gain;
– How the parties can achieve a better outcome through effective preparation;
– Tools and techniques for dealing with impasse and keeping the parties focused and engaged!
This presentation is for experienced mediators as well as those who are interested in entering the field of mediation.
Presenter: Jeanne DiFrancesco – Principal, ProOrbis LLC | Expert in Economic Valuation of Intangible Assets
This session will address the condition of American human capital, our national approach to developing human capital, our decline in global education standing and discuss why this is likely to continue if we do not change course quickly. Like climate change or the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, we are on a path of decline that is becoming ever more difficult to correct. We will discuss the jobs of the future, the critical skills we must develop and how a real national human capital strategy could vastly improve our global competitiveness and the return we are getting on the almost 1 trillion dollars each year we all spend on human capital development.
Presenter: Marc Stickdorn and Markus Hormess
In this hands-on workshop, two German service design experts present customer journey mapping as an effective approach to define both problems and potential solutions from an end-user perspective. In various interactive sessions, participants will work in small groups to visualize an existing experience documenting a specific problem and subsequently co-creating potential solutions with other groups. The audience will learn how to use service design thinking principles to assist in their negotiations.
Presenter: Melkart Rouhana – Former Head of Global Learning at Ritz Carlton Hotels
For organizations to achieve competitive advantage, they must excel at providing superior customer service. However, today’s organizations need to embrace a new mindset and ‘inspire’ not only the physical aspects of the experience but also the emotional side of it. This session will examine 3 Vital Principles that will enable you to achieve and leverage organizational greatness and that will enable customers to live with the brand in a very intense way. This journey will enable you to inspire trust and enable effective negotiation.
Presenter: Todd Camp – Chief Negotiation Officer, Camp Negotiation Institute
This session will introduce “the start with no” approach to negotiation that was created throug the Camp Negotiation System. It will provide a systematic, practical and proven approach to dealing with complex and critical negotiations. It has been designed to help keep individuals safe at each stage of the negotiation while helping build stable, ethical and profitable agreements. Learn how to systematically neutralize the contentious tactics responsible for the stress, anxiety, and fear in the negotiations. This is a practical and robust approach to negotiation. As part of learning the system, attendees will be exposed to the mindset and behaviors of an effective negotiator, including: 1) negotiation: what is it, and what is it not? 2) key behaviors to manage thinking and emotions 3) key behaviors to manage the conversation 4) effective preparation (even when you only have 5min) 5) how to stay safe 6) how to simplify a negotiation 7) what to focus on 8) how to identify your next step.
Ron Hubsher – CEO of Sales Optimization Group and Author of Closing Time
Discover some of the most successful and profitable business negotiation strategies that will allow you to close sales, increase the lifetime value of clients and eliminate discounting. This session will provide you with immediately actionable steps to increase margins and profitability on your next deal.
Presenter: William Hernandez – Executive Director, Center for Global Leadership at UC Irvine
This session aims to provide insight into the new approaches to negotiation needed to navigate an interconnected global economy.